Current and archived corporate profiles
Salaries, books, and other favorite web sites for techies
Lists |
Some of the best places to work are at those companies selected by various publications as the best managed, most innovative, and best to work at.
Some of our favorite lists follow. Many of the companies selected are profiled under Corporate Profiles.
Dates are included so readers will know when these lists were published and approximately when they will be updated again by their respective sponsors.
We invite readers to send in their favorites. (Feedback) |
Business Week |
Information Technology 100 |
June 19, 2000 |
100 |
http://www.businessweek.com/2000/00_25/b3686035.htm |
Enterprise Value |
January 28, 2001 |
3 |
http://www.cio.com/conferences/eva_report.html |
Computerworld |
Emerging Companies to Watch |
November 13, 2000 |
100 |
http://www.computerworld.com/cwi/story/0,1199,NAV47_STO53974,00.html |
Deloitte & Touche |
Fastest Growing Tech 500 |
November 27, 2000 |
500 |
http://us.deloitte.com/fast500/ |
EWeek |
Best Practice Awards |
October 24, 2000 |
7 |
http://www.techforum.com/bpa/bpa2000.htm |
Forbes ASAP |
Dynamic 100 |
August 20, 2001 |
100 |
http://www.forbes.com/asap/2001/0820/intro.html |
Forbes |
Magnetic 40 |
May 21, 2001 |
40 |
http://www.forbes.com/best/2001/0521/064.html |
Fortune |
Cool Companies |
Monthly |
N/A |
http://www.fortune.com |
Fortune |
e-50 |
N/A |
50 |
http://www.fortune.com |
Information Week |
Innovation 100: The Customer |
December 11, 2000 |
100 |
http://www.informationweek.com/816/i100splash.html |
Intelligent Enterprise |
Most Influential in IT |
January 1, 2000 |
12 |
http://www.intelligententerprise.com/000101/feat1.shtml |
Inter@ctive Week |
Inter@ctive Week Interactive 500 |
November 13, 2000 |
500 |
http://www.interactiveweek.com |
Inter@active Week |
Fast 50 |
July 9, 2001 |
50 |
http://www.interactiveweek.com |
Network World |
NW 200 |
March 12, 2001 |
200 |
http://www.networkworld.com |
PC Magazine |
Top 100 Web Sites |
March 6, 2001 |
100 |
http://www.pcmagazine.com |
PC Magazine |
Internet Business 100 |
March 6, 2001 |
100 |
http://www.pcmagazine.com |
Red Herring |
Red Herring 100 |
May 7, 2001 |
100 |
http://www.redherring.com |
Upside |
Hot 100 Private Companies |
May 15, 2000 |
100 |
http://www.upside.com |
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Boston Globe |
Globe 100 |
May 22, 2001 |
100 |
http://www.boston.com/globe/business/packages/globe_100/2001/charts/globe_top_100.shtml |
Boston Magazine |
Best Places to Work (Boston metro) |
2000 |
http://www.bostonmagazine.com/highlights/bestplaceswork.shtml |
Crain's Chicago Business |
Top 50 |
October 1, 2001 |
50 |
http:www.chicagobusiness.com |
CityBusiness |
Great Placves to Work (Twin Cities, Minnesota) |
August 18, 2000 |
11 |
http://twincities.bcentral.com/twincities/stories/2000/08/21/story1.html |
Connecticut Magazine |
Best Places to Work |
December, 2000 |
18 |
http://www.connecticutmag.com/features/workplaces.html |
ITrecruitermag.com |
Top 50 Tech Places to Work (Washington, D.C. metro) |
May/October, 2001 |
50 |
http://www.itrecruitermag.com/magazine/display-specialfeatures.asp?ContentID=341 |
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry |
Best Places to Work |
December 13, 2000 |
100 |
http://www.mccormicktaylor.com/bestinpa.html |
San Francisco Chronicle |
The Chronicle 500 |
May 7, 2001 |
500 |
http://www.sfgate.com/chronicle500 |
San Jose Mercury News |
Silicon Valley 150 |
April 16, 2001 |
150 |
http://www.siliconvalley.com/research/sv150 |
Seattle Times |
Northwest 100 |
June 10, 2001 |
100 |
http://texis.seattletimes.nwsource.com/nw100/ |
Times Dispatch |
Top 50 Area Employers (Richmond, VA) |
April, 2001 |
50 |
http://www.timesdispatch.com/business/top50/index.shtml |
Washingtonian |
Great Places to Work (Washington, D.C. metro) |
October, 2001 |
50 |
http://www.washingtonian.com/etc/business/great_places_to_work/work2.html |